Chelsea's Help International

Introducing: Chelsea’s Help International – Helping Orphans in China We had fun playing with the kids at the Zhongshan Childrens Welfare Institute (ZCWI). The ZCWI is one of 56 orphanages in the province of Guangdong . The ZCWI is home to over 300 children. We wanted to do something for the place that gave Chelsea a home for the first 2 years of her life. We plan to send shipments over a couple of times a year. We want to start by sending soccer balls to our friends at the ZCWI. If you would like to help, send your contributions to: CHI PO BOX 2633 Ruston, LA 71272. We would like to send by April 1, 2013. Thanks for sharing.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Orphan no more, Chelsea Reagan!

What a day! We had to wait until 2 to leave and go get our girl. We were all up, boys included at 4:30. I never sat down (imagine that). The anticipation was something I can't even describe. The afternoon was amazing.

On the way to the Civil Affairs office.

(Notice Graham's awesome haircut he got this morning in China. A true salon experience:))

We were the first family there. She was not there when we arrived and were told she would come in the front door directly in front of us. We were a mess!

10 minutes later, this beautiful baby came in through the door. Is it her? She looked at us and chuckled. It was Chelsea!

They would not let us go to her right away. They took her in the play room and about a minute later our guide, Kelly told us to come over. We were all crying at this point except Cayden who reminds us he was the only one who didn't cry:)

Graham held nothing back. If you read the beginning of the blog you know that God used Graham to be our final messenger of what His plan is for our family. Bless his heart. He was beside himself. I think it scared her half to death. She would not take her eyes off him and then her crocodile tears started. Cheerios fix it all. She called us Mama and Dada immediately. We were not there long and it was time to go. In the car I gave her some water out of a sippy cup but she didn't know how to drink it. I took off the lid and she drank and drank, smacked her lips and said "mmmm" and then would giggle. I will have to see if Neal has some pics and video of her in the car. We found the photo album we had sent to her and she got very excited. She pointed to the stickers Graham had put in. I would point to monkey and she would say monkey. Then she pointed to mine and Neal's pics and said "mama" and "dada". She ate tons of Cheerios!

We took off her shoes and socks and she started rubbing her feet on the carpet and laughing.

She loves pics of herself. i held her up in the mirror the first time and she looked at her sweater and then back up and laughed.

She played with stacking cups for a long time. I will try to post again soon with pics from my phone. she is so smart and repeats everything we say. She will ready blow kisses and has learned to say "more".

She is a DeForest for sure. Thank you all for the prayers and support. They were definitely felt! She is so beautiful and funny and outgoing. God had a plan and it has begun!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Oh, my goodness, I'm a teary mess after reading this. Just blesses my heart!

  2. Tears of joy... So happy Chelsea is with her family now. Praise be to God... He is so good! I love the pictures. Keep them coming

    1. From the Pullins... Not sure why it posted as unknown. Love y'all

  3. Congratulations! She is just beautiful!

  4. So wonderful! God is good :). Mom has been keeping us posted. Know we are all praying!!

  5. Kenley, Tatum and I are enjoying the blog this morning, alhtough with tear filled eyes. All of the feelings come rushing back as I look through those photos of you waiting, then finally seeing her, then holding her. The waiting is over, she is yours now. God is so good.
    Tatum says-It is wonderful that you have a little girl in China. I can't wait for Chelsea to be at our front door. I can't wait to meet her and play with her. It's because it is so wonderful for y'all to adopt. Neal I know you were so happy and I think you were so glad to have her in y'alls hands. (No editing by Mom)

  6. Big congratulations to your family. Your new daughter is amazing!
    Enjoy these firsts together. :)

  7. Jill and I both cried today - thanks for sharing your journey and God's blessings with us. We love y'all.

  8. We are all overjoyed for you and crying with you, our precious friends. What a miracle to witness God's grace pouring over you! We can't wait to meet Chelsea and love her like we love y'all! Michael, Breck, Madison Lyn and I will be here with lots of hugs when you get home! Wow... Amazing love.
