Chelsea's Help International

Introducing: Chelsea’s Help International – Helping Orphans in China We had fun playing with the kids at the Zhongshan Childrens Welfare Institute (ZCWI). The ZCWI is one of 56 orphanages in the province of Guangdong . The ZCWI is home to over 300 children. We wanted to do something for the place that gave Chelsea a home for the first 2 years of her life. We plan to send shipments over a couple of times a year. We want to start by sending soccer balls to our friends at the ZCWI. If you would like to help, send your contributions to: CHI PO BOX 2633 Ruston, LA 71272. We would like to send by April 1, 2013. Thanks for sharing.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Another day in Beijing

Today we met with the other families at 8 and headed out for the Great Wall of China. We drove for about an hour before getting there. It is freezing here. I have on four under armour and north face layers on top, two layers on bottom, wool socks with footwear warmers, gloves, hat, scarf. Water droplets froze on my bag climbing the wall. I was not cold after a few hundred steps. We made it quite a way though! Awesome experience and so glad the boys got to experience it.

Neal and I put our lock over the Seine river in 2011. Today, our family of 4 put our lock on the Great Wall.

Notice they carved DeForest in to the lock for us.

We left there for lunch at a restaurant above a jade factory. Family style and very good. We then went to the jade store where we learned all about jade and the grades. Sort of like diamonds. I came back with a beautiful bangle.

The we headed to Tie En Men Square (it's not spelled right but I am not abut to look it up right now) and then to the Forbidden City. Absolutely beautiful. So massive. I can't even begin to tell you how many city blocks.

This is our guide Grace who kept telling me how cute Cayden is. He wouldn't leave her today so he wouldn't get left:)

There are many funny signs here but Graham loved this 4 star toilet one.

Tomorrow we leave the hotel at 5:45 a.m. For an 8:00 flight to Guangzhou. We will meet Chelsea at 2:30 Monday, 12:30 a.m. Sunday for those at home. Having a great adventure but ready to meet Chelsea!

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  1. This just sent chills over me and what a memory for all of you. It is so wonderful to see how these many months of planning, hoping and praying are all coming together. God is so good! Hugs to you all!

  2. So just trying to estimate when you might post. We may stay up til 1 or set the alarm to get up VERY early. No pressure, lol. Remember what it feels like being on this end?? Praying for an easy transition for Chelsea. Our hearts are so full of excitement & joy for you guys . While you are now asleep we pray for you & the exciting day ahead. Love you all!
